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Writer's picture: aral4009aral4009

My web adventure plays with the theories surrounding alternate realities and immerses you into a multi-universe experience. I specifically speak to the daughter universes theory, stating that all outcomes in life do occur, but in their own separate universe. The decisions you make can completely alter your reality. You, who chose to go right and the other you who chose to go left could be leading completely different lives. The crazy thing is, you will never know ‘what would have happened’. We are completely unaware of even the possibility of there being multiple worlds because we can’t even conjure multiple outcomes in our own. I created this website to illustrate the possibility of multiple worlds with multiple outcomes. One minute you could be driving through a canyon and because you made a wrong turn you end up in a tunnel made of stars. Hiking through the woods could turn into accidentally walking into a cabin that leads to another dimension. Although all scenarios are a bit imagined, they showcase how realities are built upon fragmented parts of one's decisions, and how one's decisions can ultimately influence one’s reality.

***The coolest part about my website is that all of the scenarios are inspired by stories told by people who have experienced an alternate dimensional realm.


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