This text was extremely interesting and overall very mind boggling. It dove into the relationship between humans and sound. It spoke of sound as this thing that connects us to our surroundings, but most are unaware of that property. When thinking of music we have a cultural standard of what it should sound like and the messages it conveys. This standard prevents us from feeling a connection to anything other than those ideas. The research conducted within the text talked about the relationship that sound presents between us and our natural environment. The connection that our ears have to our brain is actually stronger than that between our eyes. We have developed this idea that sight is backed up by what we hear and that is what gives us context. This idea can be falsified when we look at our potential relationship with music and sound. We as humans need to connect with sounds other than what is in our language. Nature is a language in itself, and to continue on existing with our natural surroundings, we need to learn how to interact with it. It was said in the text that even if an animal could speak, a human would still be unable to understand it. We have this preconceived idea about the food chain, and how humans are higher than any species, but if we think about intelligence and interaction within nature, we could be proved wrong. So many species are able to communicate through sound. They have very articulated structures in communication that humans couldn’t possibly understand without extensive research. Overall, this text provided me with an entirely different outlook on how to think about music and sound, and that music could be what interconnects all beings that have been placed within the universe.
