I have always found eyes to be fascinating. They all contain individual beauty and at times we can almost read a person through their eyes. I want to focus on the saying "the eyes are the window to the soul". Research has told me that the eyes contain more information than a human can directly perceive. They contain physical states and past selves. I think that eyes can tell a story. To execute this idea I thought it would be most interesting to challenge myself by using Mad Mapper. I imagine myself using a blank mannequin head and projecting eyes to cover its face. Almost as a way of questioning, what if people could easily see through others? How differently would communication with another person be if we could see into them as a being, not just as a material self.
To accomplish this projection, I was thinking that I would draw eyes all over the head of the mannequin and then use the software to animate them. Go from one or two eyes to many. Showing emotion and life through color, maybe even adding sound to add to the emotion the eyes tell.